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The NAGC was founded in Boston, Massachusetts, as the National Early American Glass Club, in 1933 and is incorporated under laws of the State of Rhode Island as the National American Glass Club. We are a non-profit educational organization, IRS Code 501 c.(3).
The National American Glass Club, Ltd. is an international a non-profit educational organization founded in 1933 for glass collectors, scholars, dealers, artists, educators, and students, all those concerned with the study and appreciation of glass, regardless of type, period or origin. Our mission is to bring together people with like interests in glass so we can expand our appreciation for the medium. Explore this web site and you will see the benefits of joining the NAGC. Share with us your passion for glass - reflect on its mystical properties, myriad forms and its ability for artistic expression. Receive our publications, attend our seminars and attend meetings of a local NAGC chapter.
"The Glass Club Bulletin", available only through membership, is a scholarly journal published three times each year. Articles present current research not only in American glass, but also glass from ancient times to the work of contemporary artists. Back issues are available. "Glass Shards", the NAGC newsletter published quarterly, will keep you up-to-date on glass exhibits, shows, recent publications and club activities. Our "Annual Membership Directory" helps you identify members who share your specific interests and provides addresses for individual and institutional members.

Our National Seminar is held every spring in varying cities across the U.S. Activities include lectures by prominent glass curators, authors, collectors and artists; tours of museums, private collections, glass studios and historic sites; our annual business meeting; plus great food, fun and more! Members receive a discount for early registration.

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National American Glass Club